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Pinto Carpentry

Pinto Carpentry Celebrates Small Business Saturday with Great Local Plainfield NJ Area Businesses

Updated: Jun 28, 2024

Today is Small Business Saturday. As fellow business owners and Plainfield area residents, we want to take a moment to shout out our appreciation for all of the small business owners that make our community such a vibrant, bustling, and beautiful place to live! We encourage everyone to shop small and shop local if you’re able to do so this holiday season. Today we’re sharing that love and paying it forward with a great list of some great local businesses in the surrounding area to support.

carpenter using table saw

As a fellow family run small business, we can attest to the power of community support and local clientele! When you book an appointment with us for a railing or staircase installation, your dollars are supporting real people with real life expenses, and making a big impact on our families. Thank you for your support for the last two decades and change!

Real human beings supporting other real human beings has a real world impact. Each sale of work or dollar towards funding campaigns means folks can put a roof over their heads and food on the table. Your purchase or booking may even support a side-hustle that is helping put someone through school without debt, paying back student loans, caring for a relative, affording childcare, paying for medical costs, etc.

paper bag with letters that spell out shop small business saturday

Each independent creator and small business owner has their own “WHY” behind their work — don’t be afraid to ask about their passion and motivation. Many chronically ill and disabled business owners and creators use their studio practices as an alternative to the prohibiting tasks of most traditional work environments; running your own business means setting an accommodating, flexible schedule to work at their own pace and within their personal limitations.

man sitting at a coffee shop with his laptop searching

Small business owners love sharing our motivations and inspirations with others; connecting with other cool humans is one of the best parts of being an independently run creative business! No matter how you slice it, you’re helping to support the local economy, and making our town a better place to live and work and play in, and a safe and happy community is the best gift of all!

woman sitting in a desk with sowing machine sowing with fabric and dress model figures in background

Not sure what specific item to get, but know what your recipient loves the most? Why not get a gift card! They’re a perfect option for your gifting this holiday season, and a fantastic way to support a local business with patronage, especially cafes and restaurants. Or consider catering your holiday party from one of these fine establishments! We are sure that you’ll find just what you’re looking for right here in your own backyard!

Great Local Places To Shop and Eat:

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