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Pinto Carpentry

Pinto Carpentry Celebrates National Wildlife Day: About Deforestation, Environmental Conservation

Updated: Jun 28, 2024

Here at Pinto Carpentry, we’re very connected to issues surrounding the environment and nature conservation. Not only does our professional business rely on renewable resources like forests, but in our spare time we also enjoy plenty of family hikes to nature preserves and wildlife areas! Today, we’re going to share some of the most important reasons that we should all be supporting environmental and forestry conservation efforts. If everyone does their part as individuals to reduce their carbon footprint, and exercise our right to vote to elect leadership who support environmentally responsible legislature, we can really make a positive impact! Keep reading to learn more about why and how we should care about forest conservation.

Forests play an important part in the global ecosystem. Not only do trees and forests provide food, fuel, and fiber for many of the planet’s day-to-day needs, but they also do a great job keeping our world clean. Forests help clean the air, filter water and soil, control flooding and erosion from weather, and promote biodiversity in flora and fauna. Without trees, our air supply would be overwhelmed with an immense amount of carbon dioxide (CO2). CO2 is the greenhouse gas responsible for the severe climate change we’re currently experiencing. Conserving the forests we have by preventing deforestation, and renewing resources by planting new trees can save life as we know it!


Forests provide a huge source of food for not just humans but also animals, insects, and other plants, too. Deforestation and logging industries create a problem on several levels. The first being that many local communities and animals rely on the fruits, nuts, seeds, and other resources from forests and trees for a renewable food resource. When deforestation and logging programs clear land for wide swathes of large scale farmland, global warming issues increase due to a lack of trees to clean and maintain the environment. As a result, this also puts a strain on agricultural production and creates a vicious cycle of dependence on the farms and a further need for more farmland. Additionally, burning of forests and shrubbery to clear land quickly for livestock or crops releases additional carbon into the air, furthering the greenhouse gas effect.The loss of rainforests also drives climate change by increasing flooding, die off of wildlife, and loss of livelihoods and homes of developing nations and indigenous people.

Deforestation also removes the opportunity for people to connect with nature through wildlife preserves, wilderness areas, national forests, and similar activities. When we harvest exotic and endangered species of trees for luxury goods, home furnishings, expensive building materials, or to make way for industry, we risk essential ecosystems and extinction of vital plants and wildlife.

Likewise, the demand for trendy house plants and desire to have exotic foliage in our homes and gardens as a status symbol can also hurt natural wilderness areas, as well as increase a chance of invasive species harming local environments. When there are no animals, bacteria, insects, or seasonal changes to affect certain species of trees or plants, they can overtake the regional varieties and cause lasting environmental damage.

river bending around Forrest

Here Are Some Great Ways You Can Help with Environmental Conservation and Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

  • Plant native species of trees, flowers, wildflowers, and other foliage in your personal gardens, and donate to local botanical gardens and urban gardening areas. This will encourage local pollinators to visit the area, and encourage other wildlife to follow suit!

  • Volunteer to help with or spearhead some environmental clean-up efforts in your local parks, schools, businesses, and neighbourhoods.

  • Purchase products labeled eco-friendly, energy star efficient, and made from recycled elements, and then recycle those items again if you’re able.

  • Do your best to support companies that make a concerted effort to fight deforestation, plant new trees for every one they cut down.

  • Choose building materials made from renewable resources whenever possible, or choose material that has been reclaimed, repurposed, or made of recycled components.

  • Elect local, state, and national officials to office who are committed to supporting efforts for Green Legislature, Environmental Conservation, and Renewable Resources.

  • Invest in solar panels and renewable energy options for your home and office to reduce your dependency on fossil fuels and community power grids.

  • Donate directly to conservation funds such as the Rainforest Alliance, Amazon Watch, Rainforest Action network, and Trees for the Future (just to name a few!)

  • Donate money to animal conservation and wildlife rehabilitation organizations.

Did You Know? We really love Gorillas!

At Pinto Carpentry, one of our favorite animals in the world is the Gorilla! Gorillas play an integral part of biodiversity and sustainability of the forests they call home. These gentle giants help spread the seeds from the foliage and trees they eat, thus promoting new forest growth. As they move through the forest, they also clear the way for new growth and it helps sunlight reach the forest floor. They also clear excess vegetation, and without them the entire forest ecosystem would be interrupted and overgrown. Their main threats to life come from illegal game hunting and poaching, habitat destruction and deforestation, and the uncontrolled spread of diseases such as Ebola. You can support the safety and wellbeing of these majestic creatures by “adopting a gorilla” through the WWF, and supporting “Save the Gorilla” efforts in Africa!

National Geographic: Saving the Mountain Gorillas

National Geogr

aphic: Saving an Orphaned Baby Gorilla

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